LSCW 2009

Believe you can make a difference and you will

The LSCW 2009 workshop with a theme: Believe you can make a difference and you will, held from 2nd – 14th November 2009 at Grangehill hotels & Resorts Mpape, Abuja with 28 participants in attendance drawn from different projects and programmes from within and outside Nigeria. It was facilitated by Benjamin Lozare, Director of training and Associate Director, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs and Babafunke Fagbemi, Executive Director Center for Communication and Social Impact. Organizations represented include JHPIEGO, Radio France international, PRRINN-MNCH, National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA), Society for Family Health (SFH), Family Health International (FHI), Country Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (CCM), Media Aid, Shell Petroleum Development Co. Ltd, Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG), Uganda, National Malaria Control Programme, Ku Saurara, Africare Nigeria, Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH), Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN), Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH).
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