LSCW 2016

Repositioning SBCC Towards the Attainment of the SDG Goals

This special 10thedition had a theme “Repositioning SBCC Towards the Attainment of the SDG Goals” which took place from the 9th – 21st October 2016 in LimeRidge Hotel, Lagos State with 49 delegates drawn from 4 different African countries – Nigeria, Uganda, Liberia, and Ethiopia. Among the 2016 delegation included a country director, chief of party, director of health, training officers, program officers, FP coordinators, health educators, project state coordinators, social marketer managers, communication consultants, assistant director, creative officers, and media officers. It was facilitated by Benjamin Lozare, Director of training and Associate Director, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs and Babafunke Fagbemi, Executive Director Center for Communication and Social Impact.
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